On further researching of my previous idea of creating a Zustand + Immer wrapper, I found a very interesting technique straight from Zustand docs, where all the methods are simply free functions declared outside the store, called no store actions. I was already using this to declare private store methods, but it never occurred me to use it for all methods.
Since it officially has no downsides, I applied this idea to append the actions directly to the hook itself, so we don’t need to import each free function. The problem is that the hook has a couple methods itself, plus the inherent ones to any function object. So the result is very polluted. So I decided to adopt a convention of prefixing every action with $
But conventions are easy to break. So I implemented a reduce
to prefix each method name with #
. But then TypeScript could not infer the type anymore, so I had to dig and type it manually with key remapping, and finally I got this implementation:
import {create, StateCreator} from 'zustand';
import {devtools} from 'zustand/middleware';
import {immer} from 'zustand/middleware/immer';
export function createStore<T extends object, U extends object>(
initialState: T,
actions: StateCreator<
[['zustand/devtools', never], ['zustand/immer', never]],
[['zustand/immer', never], ['zustand/devtools', never]],
) {
const store = create(
immer(() => initialState),
{name: Math.random().toString(36).slice(2), serialize: true},
type WithPrefix<T> = {
[K in keyof T as K extends string ? `$${K}` : never]: T[K];
const actionsOrig = actions(store.setState, store.getState, store);
const actionsPrefixed = Object.entries(actionsOrig).reduce(
(accum, [k, v]) => ({...accum, ['$' + k]: v}),
{} as WithPrefix<typeof actionsOrig>,
return Object.assign(store, actionsPrefixed);
This creator allows us to call actions directly, without the hook. They’ll be automatically prefixed with $
const useFoo = createStore({
name: '',
}, (set, get) => ({
setName(name: string): void {
set(state => {
state.name = name;
function App() {
const name = useFoo(s => s.name);
return <div>
<button onClick={() => useFoo.$setName('Joe')}</button>
That $
prefix gives me bad Vue vibes. Let’s see if I can get along with it, because I was able to develop a DX which is exactly what I was looking for.