Saturday, November 11, 2023

Jotai utilities for read-only and write-only atoms

Three months ago I wrote an utility function to deal with write-only atoms in Jotai. To go with it, today I wrote a function to deal with read-only atoms, so now I have:

import {Atom, useAtom, WritableAtom} from 'jotai';

 * Syntactic sugar to useAtom() for read-only atoms.
export function useReadAtom<V>(a: Atom<V>) {
	const [val] = useAtom(a);
	return val;

 * Syntactic sugar to useAtom() for write-only atoms.
export function useWriteAtom<V, A extends unknown[], R>(a: WritableAtom<V, A, R>) {
	const [_, setFunc] = useAtom(a);
	return setFunc;

It’s worth mentioning that useReadAtom also works for derived atoms, used for computed values.

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