Thursday, January 24, 2019

Git commit with specific date

Very interesting Git option I just found: --date. When making a commit, you can specify the date manually. However, if you make a new commit with a past date, it will still be shown as the last commit, even with a date prior to the previous commit.

A new commit at January 1, 2019, 12:00, specifying timezone UTC-2:

git commit -m "Comment" --date="2019-01-01T12:00:00-02:00"

Changing the date of the last commit, using UTC+0 as timezone. Will be prompted to write the comment:

git commit --amend --date="2019-01-01T12:00:00Z"

This goes hand-in-hand with this current date trick.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Node.js script to kill a JBoss instance

I’ve been dealing with consecutive JBoss restarts lately at work, and I needed a quick way to kill a running JBoss server instance. First I wrote a PHP script, but then I translated it to JavaScript, so it could run upon Node.js, which I’m using a lot lately.

I’m using it a lot.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Reading a file line by line in JavaScript and Node.js

While writing a small Node.js utility in JavaScript, I needed to read a text file from disk, line by line, into a string array. I wrote a small utility function to this task, which is async, returning a Promise.

Usage is pretty straightforward:

const readLines = require('./readLines');

async function foo() {
  const lines = await readLines('myFile.txt');

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Hot reloading in Node.js

While experimenting with Node.js, I was writing a small webserver to see how the things assembled together. Then I noticed that, each time I made a change in any file, I had to stop the Node server with Ctrl+C, and then restart it back again.

Obviously there’s an easier way. The nodemon utility is a direct replace for node command, and watches all files to reload the Node server automatically. Huge time saver, and very well done.

I installed it as a global NPM package, so I can promptly use it anywhere.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Wikipedia Templates, using React and TypeScript

I’ve been testing out React recently with great joy. The ability to grow a web application with components is really good, so much I was able to refactor an old application, a Wikipedia template generator, making it easier to mantain while increasing its complexity, becoming multi-language.

First I started writing ES6 JavaScript, but soon TypeScript caught my eye. My previous experience with TypeScript was a bit traumatic, since it involved the awful Angular 2, but after an initial struggling to make everything work, I can say that I can’t imagine a large scale project written without the aid of TypeScript.

I struggled with some things like HTML5 routing, which seems to be a pain to deploy, so I just used HashRouter. Also, the deployment to gh-pages branch is neatly made with gh-pages utility. Also, I used Redux in a very simple way; I’ve seen overengineered examples that put me off at first, but Redux itself is very simple, and I ended up choosing it instead of MobX. I used hooks from the upcoming React 16.7, and I believe it will completely change the way React components are written, it’s really different.

The Wikipedia Templates project is open source and it’s hosted on GitHub. The project isn’t ready yet, but the basics are done, and I plan to grow it as I have time.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

SRTEd 1.3.1, minor release

This week I released a new SRTEd version 1.3.1, with has minor, but many usability improvements. Also, it’s built with latest version of WinLamb, my very own personal raw Win32 library, which I use for everything.

I was planning a bigger release for SRTEd, with more advanced features, but since my time is pretty short these days, I just released a version where it is now, with the UI improvements. It’s already more than a year since the last version, time flies. One notable difference is the absence of a 32-bit executable, which was not included because it was firing false positives for malware, something completely absurd. To avoid the hassle, I opted to keep only the 64-bit version.

SRTEd can be downloaded from CNET.

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Vue.js builds for non-root web directories

The React’s lack of scoped CSS annoyance made me want to try Vue.js, which solves this problem right out of the box. And so far, I’m liking this framework quite a lot, I must admit. The idea of single file components pleases me greatly.

This morning I stomped over a problem: I was generating a build release to run under a non-root directory in my web server, and the application was getting lost by searching the files at the server root.

Fortunately I’m using vue-cli v3, actually 3.0.0-rc.3, which has quick solution, as I found here.