Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Enhancing Chrome 94 privacy

Unfortunately Firefox is getting worse every day, specially after the introduction of the horrible v89 interface. Having to resort to Chrome again demands some precautions.

Latest Chrome 94 introduced an idle detection feature, which is a privacy nightmare. Fortunately, we still can disable it here:


And don’t forget to also disable the privacy sandbox and FLoC features:


I really wish I could go back to ol’ good Firefox.

Friday, September 17, 2021

My Visual C++ 2019 settings

Just for the record, these are the settings I’m always using with Visual Studio 2019, when creating a new, empty C++ project:

  • General
    • Output Directory: $(SolutionDir)$(Platform)_$(Configuration)\
    • Intermediate Directory: $(Platform)_$(Configuration)\
    • C++ Language Standard: ISO C++20 Standard (/std:c++20)
  • C/C++
    • General
      • Debug Information Format: None (Release)
      • Treat Warning As Errors: Yes (/WX) (Release)
      • Multi-processor Compilation: Yes (/MP)
    • Code Generation
      • Runtime Library: Multi-threaded (/MT) (Release)
  • Linker
    • Debugging
      • Generate Debug Info: No (Release)
    • System
      • SubSystem: Windows (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS)

As of April 2024, the settings above also apply to Visual Studio 2022.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Adding a branch from another repo in Git

This should be something rather rare, but for some reason I keep needing to do it very often: I want to add a new, unrelated branch into an existing repository, and this branch comes from another repository.

While needing to do this yet again today, I found a rather elegant solution here:

git switch --orphan NEW_BRANCH

It works remarkably well and clean. Props to the guy who shared this.