Saturday, May 29, 2021

Sum types in Go

One thing I always missed in Go was sum types. I’ve seen some discussion before. Although Go doesn’t have this as an explicit, native feature, I found a pattern that suits my needs by defining types and interfaces.

In the example below, I simulate a function that would load application resources, which can be extracted by ID, position or a string identifier. First, we define the interface and the subtypes:

type (
	// Variant type for: ResId, ResPos, ResStr.
	Res interface{ implRes() }

	ResId  uint32
	ResPos uint32
	ResStr string

func (ResId)  implRes() {}
func (ResPos) implRes() {}
func (ResStr) implRes() {}

The isRes() function acts like a “tag” for each subtype.

Now, a function that receives the variant type:

func LoadResource(variant Res) {
	switch v := variant.(type) {
	case ResId:
		println("ID", uint32(v))
	case ResPos:
		println("Position", uint32(v))
	case ResStr:
		println("String", string(v))
		panic("Res does not accept a nil value.")

Usage is now trivial:


It’s clean and it works remarkably well. I applied this technique in my Windigo library.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Registering file associations in Windows

I always used FileTypesMan to register the Windows file associations. But after Windows 7 or so, some associations simply refused to work, leaving them wrong. In Windows 10, this problem worsened.

Today, after digging the associations created by Reaper, I figured out one of the correct ways to register a file association – there are other exotic ways too, which I couldn’t figure out yet.

These are the Windows Registry entries that must be created:

    (Default) REG_SZ Fuu.File
    Content Type REG_SZ text/plain
    PerceivedType REG_SZ text
    (Default) REG_SZ A fuu file.
        (Default) REG_SZ C:\Temp\fuu.exe,0
        (Default) REG_SZ open64
            (Default) REG_SZ Open file in Fuu
                (Default) REG_SZ "C:\Temp\fuu.exe" "%1"

And these entries map correctly in FileTypesMan, which can be used to further changes.

Note that Content Type and PerceivedType will automatically create “Open” entries mapped to default applications, so you probably won’t want those. In its simplest form, this will work:

    (Default) REG_SZ Fuu.File
    (Default) REG_SZ A fuu file.
        (Default) REG_SZ C:\Temp\fuu.exe,0
                (Default) REG_SZ "C:\Temp\fuu.exe" "%1"

Thursday, May 13, 2021

The ghastly button focus

During my 20 years or so writing Win32 programs, I always relied on SetFocus to focus a control. However, I always noticed a weird behavior on push buttons regarding the BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON style, which was never right. In fact, I remember one of the past WinLamb incarnations which I implemented some trick involving changing the button style when setting the focus.

Anyway, now I found out how to properly set the focus on a control, and it does not involve SetFocus, but rather the WM_NEXTDLGCTL message:

SendMessage(hParent, WM_NEXTDLGCTL, (WPARAM)hButton, MAKELPARAM(TRUE, 0));

And the push button magically sets its own style correctly.