Monday, January 17, 2022

Filtering Pinia store fields

I’m having great joy working with Pinia, so much I’m introducing it at work. It seems reliable so far.

I found a quirk that’s annoying, however. In VS Code autocomplete, all the contents of the store are exposed – that includes all the internals we should not see.

After digging into the code and a lot of experimentation, I finally found a way to filter the visible fields using TypeScript:

import {defineStore, StoreActions, StoreGetters, StoreState} from 'pinia';
const useDef = defineStore('main', () => {
	return {};

export type ReachableStore =
	StoreActions<ReturnType<typeof useDef>> &
	StoreGetters<ReturnType<typeof useDef>> &
	StoreState<ReturnType<typeof useDef>>;
const useStore = (): ReachableStore => useDef();
export default useStore;

Although those types are exported by Pinia, they have basically zero documentation. I’m considering contribute with some documentation improvement, but I’m unsure if it’s worth.